Thursday, July 10, 2014

Do you pass by the homeless?

There have been so many scandalous people who have been exposed for fraudulently posing as the homeless and destitute. Lies have unfolded on camera as individuals are followed for days and then confronted to ask them why they are lying and begging for money.

In this YouTube clip, this woman has been followed by a reporter from and exposed for posing day after day as a handicapped homeless woman in New York City on 5th Avenue where the wealthy shop in stores such as Gucci and Prada. She made this her "work" day and lived her normal life when she was not begging. Unfortunately there are many stories like this one but how many people who really do need help are being judged and dismissed because we are afraid that they are pulling a scam? 

Here a few representatives from Give Back Films interviews real homeless people to get their story on how they became homeless. Every homeless person doesn't have to "look" like they're  homeless. Everyone doesn't have on tattered clothes or live in a cardboard box. Many people live in shelters where clothing are donated to them which may include name brand items, some just do their best to keep themselves up because they don't want the embarrassment of being stereotyped and judged by others. Some people live in their cars with a few belongings and others beg other civilians for change until they have gathered enough to feed themselves and their child that has been sleeping under a bridge. Whatever the situation, the bible says that we will always have the poor with us (Mark 14:7, Deuteronomy 15:11). 

We cannot stand and judge whether or not someone is really homeless and pass them by. Only God knows the heart of every man and only He can judge them. He has commanded that we take care of the poor (Matthew 25:31-46). Who knows whether or not one day we ourselves may end up in the same predicament? We do not want to pass by someone who may be in need and ignore them because when we are in need God just may pass us by and ignore us!

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