Thursday, August 26, 2010

Children's Church

When you walk into most churches today and sit down with your child(ren) you may have an usher come up to you and offer to take your child(ren) to "children's church". What is children's church? It is said to be an area set aside just for children usually around twelve and under where they can learn a kid-friendly version of the Word and the things of God.

While it sounds nice to bring the Word of the Lord down to a child's level, how does it really effect them when they are taken away from the sanctuary and away from the sermon that the Lord has given to the spiritual leader to color pictures, memorize bible verses and eat snacks? Aren't these activities supposed to be done in Sunday School before service?

When I was coming up we didn't have children's church. We sat our happy selves right in the pews next to our parents and if Momma was singing in the choir loft I knew I better not move because she would cut her eye at me to let me know that I was gonna get it after church if I didn't straighten up.

Although as a child it was boring to sit in a long service, it rooted and grounded me. One day I found myself listening to the preacher instead of daydreaming about what I wanted to do when I got home. As a young adult I was disciplined enough to be able to sit and listen to what God had to say through His servant who was delivering the message. Most church services today only last about two hours, our services usually were no less than four!

Yes children do get wrestless when sitting for long periods of time but isn't this the time to train them in the way that they should go? Did they have children's church in the days when Jesus walked the earth preaching the gospel? Maybe children's church simply gives parents a break while they are trying to be fed spiritually and helps them learn about Christ in a different way at the same time. Here's the question, does this new age concept hurt or help our children's spiritual development especially regarding discipline and is everybody doing it just because everybody is doing it? Just a thought to make you think. Peace.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Titles in the Church

“I’m an Elder…I’m a Pastor…I’m a Bishop…I’m an Apostle”, what’s next? “I’m God Almighty!?!” Everyone seems so infatuated with carrying a title in the church. It seems some individuals are never satisfied. They want to go higher and higher in recognition but there’s just one thing missing…A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!!! Who authorized you to have a title, did God authorize them? A lot of people are just in love with the churchisms (the mastery of church quotes and acts such as shouting, the mockery of speaking in tongues, which we will speak on next time, and people acting like they are just feeling the Spirit when they really look like they have epilepsy).

One of the saddest parts about it is how these people literally study the garbs that were worn and make it a point to continuously have special garb made as if it is a fashion show every time they “preach out” or go to any type of church service. Jesus was a quiet and modest Man. After He healed people, He would tell them to go about their business and tell no one (Matt. 12:16, Mark 5:43). Too many people are looking for someone to put them up in the pulpit so that they can receive the glory and fail to realize that it’s GOD who is to receive ALL glory!

In some churches, if the church clergy is asked to stand for recognition, you wouldn’t have but five people still seated. The requirements for elevation have been compromised as also the respect for it. Many people do not understand that with these titles (when you are really called) come even heavier responsibilities. The Lord deals heavily with those who are called to certain assignments. A lot of people run from their assignment for years because they don’t want to deal with the responsibility. Look at Jonah! Poor thing tried so hard to run from his assignment the Lord had to reel Him back in by using a whale to swallow him up! People who are running around calling themselves prophets better watch out for the wrath of God. You can’t tell people God said something when you know He didn’t! “For prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:21. There is a special place for false prophets, Rev. 20:10!

Don’t ask for something you are not called to do. We all have a purpose and therefore have an assignment. Stay in your lane. Seek God and ask Him what your assignment and purpose is for your life. Ask Him (not yourself) how He wants to use you. Put the clergy collar down and take the “I’m so saved” crook out of your back when you walk. Be real and get serious about your relationship with God and when you really do receive His Holy Spirit, oh you won’t have to jerk around and mumble a bunch of nothing out of your mouth. The real Holy Spirit will give you utterance and cause you to speak the Lord’s language and lead you into all truth (Acts 2:4). You can’t “stir up” or “activate” the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God; it’s His gift to you. He directs you, not the other way around. Just a thought to make you think. Peace.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Concerts in the Sanctuary

So what’s all the fuss about having concerts in the sanctuary? Everyone is doing it right? Is there something wrong with it or are people just acting “too saved”? Well the buzz is that many mega churches (churches that can seat at least 1,000 people or more) are opening their doors, the sanctuary doors, to gospel groups and artists local and celebrity to have concerts for various causes. Some hold charity affairs where the tickets sold to get into the concert benefit a good cause. Others hold ticketed events for profit.
Does it make a difference that most of them are religiously related? Hmmm, some say that it does make a difference. Besides, Christians like to hear good live music too on a Friday or Saturday night without feeling convicted right? I guess the hoopla kicks into gear when people start talking about the fact that tickets are being sold in order to attend these concerts, which the scriptures talk about in Matthew 21:12, 13. The scripture reads, “12 Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. 13 And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of prayer, but you have turned it into a den of thieves.’” Sounds like Jesus was mad to me!

Anytime you make the Lord mad like that where he’s turning over tables, it must be something wrong with that! Yet in the next verse He turns right around and starts healing folks again. He’s just awesome like that! But the real deal lies in the question, is selling tickets outside of the church to have people attend a function inside the church (sanctuary) the same as selling items in the sanctuary? Some people just sell items still in the church but not in the sanctuary. You know those chicken dinners the usher board sells after church to go towards their portion of the building fund! Just a thought to make you think. Peace.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Christian Rap Controversy

Since hip-hop started in the early 80’s rap has become a very powerful and influential form of artistic expression. LL Cool J., Rakim, Big Daddy Kane and so many more legendary rap artists have paved the way for the current rap icons much of our youth look up to today. Notorious B.I.G., Tupac, and Nas (just to name a few) have served as a bridge, a very strong and supportive bridge I might add, to make way for the very influential moguls like 50 Cent, Drake, Flo-Rida and the like.
So what happens when this secular genre of music where the message usually is geared towards sexually explicit ideas, talks about wettin’ somebody up, and boastful verses about how many glocks and nines somebody is slingin’ is transitioned to a message about Jesus? The controversial question is: can we in good conscience feed a positive message to our kids through this form of expression?
Christian rappers such as T-Wyse, Da Truth, and Prayz 1 certainly believe so. Songs like “Victory” by Prayz 1is a self explanatory message giving the people of God encouragement to believe that they have the “Victory” over any circumstance. So what do kids really listen to when they bob their heads to a rap song, any rap song? Is it the beat that makes them want to listen, or is it really the message? If it is the beat, then is the message really getting across? If not, what’s the point right? Or can we look at it like it is a subliminal message and determine, “Oh they’ll get it one way or another?”
Hmm, some say, “God don’t need no help!” Meaning, you shouldn’t mix secular sounds with Christian sounds to make it about God just to “reach our youth”. Others say, “Whatever it takes”. Would that be considered straddling the fence? Who will you serve, God or man? But what happens when the power of the Holy Spirit comes into the room after (or during) a performance by a Christian rapper? Just a thought to make you think, Peace