Friday, July 8, 2011

Is Marriage Sacred Anymore?

"I HATE YOU!" "I WANT A DIVORCE!" Whoo these are some harsh words to hear from your husband or wife. Unfortunately it is also a harsh realty that plagues many homes in America. So many people are jumping the broom without really thinking about their decision and everything that comes along with it. So your first few months to a year of dating went well and you're just so in love right? Let's face it, there are many who can say they have even lived together with their mate (tell the truth). But when the wedding ceremony is over, the last gift has been opened and the plane lands after the honeymoon...then your new life begins.

The problem is that many people are not in touch with themselves. They don't have a sense of who they are and are not satisfied with their own foundation and therefore cannot provide a solid foundation when they come together in matrimony. You have to be able to bring something to the table, love, respect, submission, honor, trust and the list goes on. If you cannot love, honor and respect yourself how can you give these things to someone else? Frustrations will definitely rise in any relationship be it a friendship, courtship, or marriage. It's not about the problem, it's how you deal with the problem that will determine the outcome.

So when times get rough, do you just throw in the towel? What happened to for better or for worst? You may feel like the pain will never end but the Lord said He will never put more on you than you can bear. If you're going through it, it must be assigned to you so that you can help someone else in the end and to make you stronger. Now God never intended for anyone to be abused but disagreements, battles with pride and power trips are definitely not on God's list for the thumbs up regarding divorce. It may be necessary for you to consider marital counseling. So the question is, did you marry for the right reasons? Is love enough? If your marriage is sacred to you and you really want it to work, what are you willing to do to see it through? Just a thought to make you think. Peace.

Friday, June 24, 2011

When Rated PG Goes Too Far

PG (Parental Guidance) from pushy parents can bring strife for young talents. Lets say your child has a talent for dancing, they can play songs on the piano by ear, or that picture under the refrigerator magnet is a masterpiece. In any case, you want to make the sacrifice and pay for lessons to enhance their talents. Before you do this, remember there are a few things that you must first consider.

Children go through different phases in life. One minute they are excited and motivated to do one thing and the next minute they have totally lost interest and have moved on to the next thing. This is all apart of the process of them gaining experiences that will help them understand who they are, what they like and who they want to become. While they go through these changes it is important for parents to be understanding but firm in helping their children understand the disadvantage to quitting.

Being an understanding parent includes sensitivity to the fact that they are still children and like to do all of the things that children do. Whether their past time is talking on the phone, perusing on facebook, playing with toys, or simply hanging out with friends, kids just want to have fun. Parents must also be sure that the investment you are making for your child's talent is for their best interest and not your own. Unfortunately, many parents feel as though they have missed their opportunity to live out their dreams and talents and tend to live vicariously through their children thus forcing them to do something that they really don't want to do. This can seriously damage your relationship with your child. Let your child develop with your guidance and encouragement not your insistence. Don't invest in an expensive instrument until you know your child is really interested.

Those dance lessons don't have to cost the same as your monthly phone bill. Shop around to the different music and dance schools for the best price and reputation. Parents take your time with this project.Yes this is a project with you and your child and it takes communication, planning, and patience to help your child to develop. PG (Parental Guidance) doesn't have to go too far. Be supportive, be encouraging and most of all, help your child be the best that they can be!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How Long Should a Church Service BE?

Oookay...I know it's been awhile. But we're back and now we are talking about an old topic that is still a conversation piece today. That is, how long should a church service be? This question seems a bit outrageous honestly. Why? Because you can't put limits on God!

Back in the day, the apostolic church, the C.O.G.I.C. denomination and the pentecostal church amongst others had some "sho' nuff church" as the old folks liked to call it. Morning service would start at about 11am (that is after 9am Sunday School); end around 4pm; break for Sunday dinner in the church's kitchen (you know where you can get those fried chicken dinners for around $5 - $7); then commence to the second service that started around 5 or 6pm.

11am - 4pm? I guess those who were not brought up this way might ask, "What in the world did ya'll do all that time?" Well there was Praise and Worship/Testimony; then the choir processional; morning annoucements (govern yourselves accordingly); prayer; offering; selections; the Word; prayer again and alter call; and finally the benediction. The second service is for the guest preacher to come and do it all over again only with his own choir.

While all of this may seem unneccesary to some, it is the foundation that has molded many Christians today. Most Sunday morning services last a maximum of 2 hours. Some follow this timeframe to please the people because they don't want to "overtax" them, others do it because they are being televised and they have to. As long as we are not putting God in a box, do what you have to do! When church becomes routine and there is no room for God to move and take over in His own way, then that becomes a problem.

The question is, are you going to a church that has service for 2 hours  because it's where God led you and you are being fed spiritually or simply because it is convenient and you can be in and out and still be able to say "I went to church today so I'm good with God?" Just a thought to make you think. Peace.