Friday, July 8, 2011

Is Marriage Sacred Anymore?

"I HATE YOU!" "I WANT A DIVORCE!" Whoo these are some harsh words to hear from your husband or wife. Unfortunately it is also a harsh realty that plagues many homes in America. So many people are jumping the broom without really thinking about their decision and everything that comes along with it. So your first few months to a year of dating went well and you're just so in love right? Let's face it, there are many who can say they have even lived together with their mate (tell the truth). But when the wedding ceremony is over, the last gift has been opened and the plane lands after the honeymoon...then your new life begins.

The problem is that many people are not in touch with themselves. They don't have a sense of who they are and are not satisfied with their own foundation and therefore cannot provide a solid foundation when they come together in matrimony. You have to be able to bring something to the table, love, respect, submission, honor, trust and the list goes on. If you cannot love, honor and respect yourself how can you give these things to someone else? Frustrations will definitely rise in any relationship be it a friendship, courtship, or marriage. It's not about the problem, it's how you deal with the problem that will determine the outcome.

So when times get rough, do you just throw in the towel? What happened to for better or for worst? You may feel like the pain will never end but the Lord said He will never put more on you than you can bear. If you're going through it, it must be assigned to you so that you can help someone else in the end and to make you stronger. Now God never intended for anyone to be abused but disagreements, battles with pride and power trips are definitely not on God's list for the thumbs up regarding divorce. It may be necessary for you to consider marital counseling. So the question is, did you marry for the right reasons? Is love enough? If your marriage is sacred to you and you really want it to work, what are you willing to do to see it through? Just a thought to make you think. Peace.

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