Tuesday, October 1, 2013

We Need the Arts in Our Schools!

Music, dance, drama...all of these different forms of expressive arts are what helps round an individual. They tap into the imagination and the creative side and give you an outlet for fear, anger, peace, happiness and many other emotions. The arts are what keep many people going, some from going insane. When a person finds their niche and is able to cultivate and develop their craft it makes them feel liberated when they have the opportunity to say, "I did this" or "I can do this and I'm good at it". It provides a feeling of accomplishment and self-worth when someone is able to display their talent or reach down on the inside of themselves to pull out a talent they never knew they had and show it to the world or at least to a group of non-judgmental parents, staff and their peers.

For many young people the opening curtain to the debut of their talent is on the pulpit of their home church, but for others school is where they may have the only chance to get their start. For a child to be selected in a school play or learn how to play an instrument they would have never picked up had it not been offered to them in music class at school opens up a world that they may not have otherwise been connected to. It gives each child more options for their future and helps them to develop socially, emotionally and best of all creatively.

Why are the arts being taken out of our schools? Some say budget cuts are the culprit while others believe that some school boards just don't believe it is necessary. Well I beg to differ. Some of our children are expected to live up to certain standards academically while maintaining excellent behavior but no one is giving them an outlet to channel themselves emotionally. Because art is a self expression it becomes unique when the author creates it. Therefore it gives a sense of authentication that no one can take away from you. While many children are performing well academically they may be suffering inside waiting in anticipation for a chance to do something new and inspiring. It's how many of us come up with our latest inventions or songs or those expensive art pieces. It's one of the ways we make history.

If we allow the arts to become extinct in our schools we run the risk of our children feeling dried out and undetermined with little to look forward to because no one is taking the time to help them learn themselves and be themselves.We must fight in order to keep the arts alive in our youth and for some parents, keeping it in the schools is the only way they can afford to allow their child to flourish in their element. Keep The Arts ALIVE!

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